Multiple Service-Instances多个服务实例

  • Service-Instances of the same Service are identified through different Instance IDs. It shall be supported that multiple Service-Instances reside on different ECUs as well as multiple Service-Instances of one or more Services reside on one single ECU.
    同一服务的多个服务实例通过不同的Instance ID来识别。应支持多个服务实例驻留在不同的ECU上,以及一个或多个服务的多个服务实例驻留在一个ECU上。
  • While different Services shall be able to share the same port number of the transport layer protocol used, multiple Service-Instances of the same service on one single ECU shall listen on different ports per Service-Instance.
  • Rationale合理性:
    While Instance IDs are used for Service Discovery, they are not contained in the SOME/IP header.
    虽然 Instance ID用于服务发现,但它们不包含在SOME / IP header中。
  • A Service Instance can be identified through the combination of the Service ID combined with the socket (i.e. IP-address, transport protocol (UDP/TCP), and port number). It is recommended that instances use the same port number for UDP and TCP. If a service instance uses UDP port x, only this instance of the service and not another instance of the same service should use exactly TCP port x for its services.
    可以通过 Service ID与套接字的组合(即IP地址,传输协议(UDP / TCP)和端口号)来识别服务实例。建议实例对UDP和TCP使用相同的端口号。如果服务实例使用UDP端口x,则只有该服务实例而不是同一服务的另一个实例应该使用TCP端口x作为其服务。
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