
  • A field shall be a combination of getter, setter and notification event.
  • A field without a setter and without a getter and without a notifier shall not exist. The field shall contain at least a getter, a setter, or a notifier.
    不存在没有setter且没有getter且没有notifier的field。 该field应至少包含一个getter,一个setter或一个notifier。
  • The getter of a field shall be a request/response call that has an empty payload in the request message and the value of the field in the payload of the response message.
  • The setter of a field shall be a request/response call that has the desired value of the field in the payload of the request message and the value that was set to the field in the payload of the response message.
  • Note注意:
    If the value of the request payload was adapted (e.g. because it was out of limits) the adapted value will be transported in the response payload.
    如果request消息中 payload的值被调整了(例如,因为它超出限制),则这个调整后的值将放在response消息的有效载荷中发送。
    The notifier shall send an event message that transports the value of a field on change and follows the rules for events.

XML 地图