Message Type [8 Bit]

  • The length of the Message Type field shall be 8 bits.
  • The Message Type field is used to differentiate the types of SOME/IP messages. SOME/IP-SD uses only event messages; thus, it always uses the same type.
    消息类型字段用于区分SOME / IP消息的类型。 SOME / IP-SD仅使用event消息; 因此,它总是使用相同的类型。
  • The value for the Message Type field shall be statically set to 0x02.

Return Code [8 Bit]

  • The length of the Return Code field shall be 8 bits.
  • The Return Code is used to signal whether a request was successfully been processed. This is not applicable for SOME/IP-SD;
    返回代码用于表示请求是否已成功处理。 这不适用于SOME / IP-SD;
  • The Return Code field shall be statically set to 0x00.
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