Flags [8 Bit]

  • The length of the Flags field shall be 8 bits.
  • With the Flags field the SOME/IP-SD header starts. It is used to signal global Service Discovery information, which includes currently the state of the last reboot as well as the capability of receiving unicast messages.
    SOME / IP-SD Header开始便是Flags字段。它用于标识全局Service Discovery信息,其中包括当前最后一次重新启动的状态以及接收单播消息的能力。
  • Undefined bits within the Flag field shall be statically set to ‘0’.
    Flag字段中的未定义位应静态设置为 ‘0’。

Reboot Flag [8 Bit]

  • The first bit of the Flags field (highest order bit) shall be called Reboot Flag.
  • The Reboot Flag shall be set to ‘1’ for all messages after reboot until the Session ID of the Request ID field wraps and thus starts with 0x0001 again. After that the Reboot Flag shall be set to ‘0’.
    重启后,所有消息的Reboot Flag必须设置为 ‘1’,直到Request ID字段中的 Session ID循环并因此再次以0x0001开头。之后, Reboot Flag将被设置为 ‘0’。
  • The Service Discovery shall keep track of the last received of a communication partner Session ID value and Reboot Flag value independently for unicast and multicast. This means that the communication partners values received over multicast shall not be updated by a unicast message.
    Service Discovery应独立记录通信伙伴最后收到的单播和多播的Session ID值和and Reboot Flag值。这意味着通过多播接收的通信伙伴值不应被单播消息更新。
  • A reboot of the communication partner shall be detected based on consecutive Service Discovery messages (for communication partner; unicast and multicast separated) in the following two ways:
    • Reboot Flag changes from ‘0’ to ‘1’
      Reboot Flag标志从 ‘0’更改为 ‘1’
    • Session ID decreases, while Reboot Flag stays ‘1’
      Session ID减少,同时Reboot Flag标志保持 ‘1’
  • The Service Discovery may also detect reboots based on the unicast information.
  • A reboot detected with Session ID and Reboot Flag shall lead to expiration of the local state that is controlled by this communication partner.
    使用Session ID和Reboot Flag标志检测到的Reboot应导致由此通信伙伴控制的本地状态到期。
  • In case of a reboot of a server, of which the client uses a service, the client shall handle the reboot as if a Stop Offer entry was received (see also SWS_SD_00367 for further details) .
    如果客户端在使用服务的服务器Reboot ,则客户端应按照收到Stop Offer entry的方式处理这个Reboot (另请参阅SWS_SD_00367了解更多详细信息)。
  • In case of a reboot of a server, of which the client uses a service, the server shall handle the reboot as if a StopSubscribeEventgroup entry was received (see also SWS_SD_00345 for further details).
    如果客户端在使用服务的服务器Reboot ,则服务器应像收到StopSubscribeEventgroup条目一样处理这个Reboot (另请参阅SWS_SD_00345了解更多详细信息)。

Unicast Flag [1 Bit]

  • The second bit of the Flag field (second highest order bit) shall be called Unicast Flag.
  • The Unicast Flag of the Flag field shall be set to Unicast Flag and shall be set to ‘1’ , meaning: This ECU supports receiving Unicast messages.
    标志字段的单播标志应设置为单播标志,并设置为 ‘1’,表示:该ECU支持接收单播消息。
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