Entries Array

  • When SOME/IP-SD find or offers Service Instances or handles subscriptions this is done by so called entries, which are transported in the entry array of the SOME/IP-SD message.
    当SOME / IP-SD寻找或提供服务实例或处理订阅时,这由所谓的entry完成,entry在SOME / IP-SD 报文的entry数组中传输。

Length of Entries Array

  • The length of the first field of the Entries Array shall be 32 bits.
    Entries Array的第一个字段的长度应为32位。
  • The first field of the Entries Array shall carry the amount of bytes of the Entries Array (excluding this 32 bit field carrying the length information).
    Entries Array的第一个字段应携带Entries Array的字节数量(不包括携带长度信息的32位字段)。
XML 地图