Timings and repetitions for Server Service and Event Handlers

Find” entry received

In repetition phase:

Send an “OfferService Entry” considering the appropriate delay without changing the current counter value and without influencing the current running repetition timer.
在不改变当前counter值且不影响当前运行的重复计时器的情况下,考虑适当的延迟, 发送“OfferService Entry”。

Note: Currently this specification does not allow sending “FindService Entries” using unicast. For compatibility reasons receiving such entries shall be supported.

In Main Phase:

Send an “OfferService Entry” considering the appropriate delay .
考虑适当的延迟,发送“OfferService Entry” 。

Note: Currently this specification does not allow sending “FindService Entries” using unicast. For compatibility reasons receiving such entries shall be supported.

XML 地图